By filling out the questionnaire below, you can learn how much of the care work and mental load you have and share in your household.

Each item in the questionnaire has been scored based on the task frequency. You can leave out items for which you are not responsible or select two boxes that best represent the responsibilities you share.

If you're ready, let's begin!
My Partner
Other People at Home
Getting professional support
01  Tidying the house daily (Making the bed, organizing items, etc.)
02  Doing laundry (Washing, hanging, folding, putting away)
03  Ironing
04  Cooking meals
05  Setting and clearing the table
06  Washing the dishes
07  Making tea/coffee at home and serving it
08  Taking out the trash (Collecting, sorting for recycling, throwing it away, etc.)
09  Cleaning the house (Sweeping, wiping, dusting)
10  Cleaning the kitchen (Cleaning the cupboard, sink, ensuring hygiene of items, fixing deficiencies, etc.)
11  Changing bed sheets
12  Grocery shopping (Making a shopping list, transporting, storing)
13  Monitoring the expiration dates of household products (Food items, medicines, etc.)
14  Basic repair and maintenance work
15  Organizing house painting/renovation
16  Decorating the house
17  Garden/balcony tasks
18  Tracking and paying bills and taxes
19  Managing the family budget (Savings, investment, loan management, etc.)
20  Researching and managing insurance (Health, home, vehicle, etc.)
21  Shopping for pharmacy and care products
22  Scheduling doctor appointments
23  Preparing children for school (Preparing breakfast, packing their bags, ensuring school supplies, etc.)
24  Supporting children with homework (Helping with homework, checking completed work, etc.)
25  Planning children's free time activities (Choosing courses or sports based on their interests, etc.)
26  Taking children to school/courses/events (Arranging and providing transportation for children)
27  Meeting the needs of elderly family members (Calling, visiting, shopping, etc.)
28  Tracking the health of elderly family members (Doctor appointments, medication management, etc.)
29  Caring for a sick family member (Monitoring health, managing medication, etc. for someone in the household)
30  Planning visits with family/friends
31  Car maintenance (Refueling, washing, repairs, etc.)
32  Tracking car insurance
33  Buying gifts for special occasions (Birthdays, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.)
34  Caring for pets (Feeding, washing, walking, etc.)
35  Tracking pet’s veterinary appointments (Vaccinations, etc.)
36  Planning a vacation (Booking tickets, making reservations, etc.)
37  Preparing for a vacation (Packing suitcases, purchasing missing items, sorting perishable foods, etc.)
38  Cleaning the bathroom (Cleaning the cupboard, towels, ensuring hygiene, fixing deficiencies, etc.)
39  Doing simple sewing/repairs
40  Organizing unused clothes/items (Sorting unused clothes, shoes, items, donating, etc.)
*The Equal Care Initiative's Mental Load Test for Household and Education has been referenced.


Share whatever you want to add to the Equal Care Equal Mental Load Awareness Guide with us #YükOlmasın!


As Fiba Group , we believe that progress in the field of gender equality, diversity and inclusion builds a more just and equal future. As one of the groups with the highest ratio of female employees and managers in Türkiye, we support women to have equal rights and opportunities with men by participating in initiatives that will contribute to gender equality as signatories and members.


Since 2018, as İşimiz Eşitlik Platform, we work to ensure that diversity, equality and inclusion are embraced both at the corporate and individual levels and becomes a permanent part of institutional culture. With our Equality Ambassadors, we carry out projects based on equality and inclusion such as gender-equal employment, career development, and employee support mechanisms.


The many tasks we consider ordinary in daily life turn into care work and mental loads that cannot be carried alone when combined and piled up. Sharing the invisible weight of care work, shouldering the mental burden together, reasoning together to make life equal, makes responsibilities no longer a burden or strength.


As Fiba Group, we support equality in care work, just as in every other area.


What do you say about hearing the unspoken, taking responsibility, and sharing the load to create equality in life?


Share it so that #YükOlmasın!